"Historians are bad communicators of their diligent research.
Politicians are diligent communicators of their bad research"
This is why problems exist.
The silence of our wisdom is lost with the noise of our politics.
Historians, speak up! Connect with scientists. Connect with doctors. Connect with engineers. Connect with lawmakers. And most importantly, connect with the common people!
In our lovely democracy, the common people are capable of the most change.
Why do I write about this write now?
Today I attended a medical history book club at Case Western Reserve University's historical Dittrick Medical Museum. It was great. Enlightening, I felt apart of an elitist club,
The problem? Historians were communicating their observations with fellow historians. What good does this do?
If we were to confer back to MBTI, then historical societies are simply groups of perceivers who like to sit around and think about interesting things, but lack the desire to do much about the world's problems.
Most people are Judgers. They are doers. So perceivers, please educate the doers on what we should do. Its your societal contribution.
Sorry this post is so crappy. I'm starving and have this terrible migraine.
Which brings up a question: Is the mood of an INTP highly dependent on his or her physical condition? Because when I am just slightly hungry I get moody and all my cognitive functions are pretty much hopeless. Thoughts?
Perhaps you have issues with your blood glucose levels.....eat foods lower in carbs, you'll feel and think better!
ReplyDeleteRegarding your comment: "Historians, speak up! Connect with scientists. Connect with doctors. Connect with engineers. Connect with lawmakers. And most importantly, connect with the common people!"---------"the common people"? That reads as elitist.....
Lol. I actually eat healthy and exercise regularly....Maybe it has something to do with my fast metabolism.